"I've spent my entire life keeping that monster caged - the one whose strength I'm afraid to find out - because its wrath would be absolutely scary...I don't know, maybe the road is me running from it."
Sasquatch learned all things by
taking all things
a p a r t
Excepting for
Dare not we put
feeling to scrutiny
instead we inherit
the homes of those
Who dwelled before
left their platelets to us
as dishes in the sinks
of that which they bequeathed to us
Homes that never underwent
never were taken apart
never were turned over
in our hands
Purchased sight unseen
lauded as flawless
We know better to know
there is no home which does not
require repairing
of rust and mold, asbestos
of floorboards, porches where
rocking chairs
left ruts in wood
We know better to know
home requires the toil of examination
reparations must be granted
to pass it lesser spoiled
from bloodline to brethren
a new generation
It is time
for reparations
It is time
high and past
to address sins that asked silence
of generations too long in pain
too long begging
for action against violence
Suffered by generations
bearing a heavy weight—worse
a heavy wait